Saturday, April 30, 2011

T-Minus 24 Hours!

My Graduation ceremony is in approximately 24 hours! Seriously--WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?! Literally just yesterday I was at Huntington for freshman orientation FRANTICALLY searching for a "normal" roommate. Well I'm not sure if normal is what I got, but Bradie Vance was one heck of a fun roommate! :) I'll never forget the times we had. From the night of our sugar-buzz, to having the biggest mud fight was an amazing year and a half living with her! And of course there were all the other girls, and everything we did--stealing bikes--or "borrowing" shall I say (like the night that I stole the bike with no breaks) yeahhhh--that ended well! HA! Dressing up so ridiculous, the night I went roller blading down the GIANT hill, and literally ripped a new one. And of course dying the fountain red--which turned out more pink (even though no one ever knew we did it) OOPS! :) There were good times, and bad--but one thing is for sure: I'll never forget my Foresters :) 

Then there was Bethel! I was a little skeptical of transferring in the middle of my sophomore year, but going to Bethel was one of the best decisions I ever made! I loved the people, the environment, and the faculty. I know a lot of people complain about the rules, and at times I was annoyed by them too--but hey! I CHOSE to go I had no reason to complain! I love seeing peoples reactions when I tell them that I'm 22 and I'm not allowed to watch rated "R" movies, drink, have boys in my room with the door closed, and that I have a curfew every night of the week. Through the "strict" rules, I survived :) and I came out with some awesome memories, and some even better friendships! Friends that I KNOW I'll have forever :) 

I'll never forget the Steak and Shake night with Kristine and Lindsay, and how we lied to the waiter, telling him it was my birthday, and when he asked for my ID, we told him we "forgot it at home". He said he had to check because a lot of times people come in just saying "ohh it's my birthday" when it isn't. (WHO would do SUCH a thing?) So he paid for it himself. (Yes...jerk move on my part--I KNOW!) I'll never forget the Spring Break trips to Florida Sophomore, Junior, and Senior year with awesome girls! And of course my "second" Spring Break I gave myself Sophomore and Junior year--1 week after Spring Break, heading down to Branson to watch our boys in the tournament! Can't forget the Keg parties--ROOT BEER KEGS of course! (Partying Bethel style!!) Coming back from Logan's on Halloween to a very festive-decorated room with Kristine! (Whoever did that still needs to fess up!) The countless videos Julia and I made--dancing and just being US! Dressing up for Midnight Breakfast as thugs and having Jessie rap the Bible in under a minute :) Basketball games, game nights, and Snuggie parties. Farm tours to my house, and the junior/senior trip to Chicago! Such awesome times with such amazing people that I know I'll never forget. 

But as my college career is wrapping up, I have to admit: I'm excited and nervous for the future, but one thing is for sure--my God has the ultimate plan for me, and I can't wait to see what that is! I've come to the conclusion that this whole graduation thing is bittersweet...I'm PUMPED to be done with class and school work, but not as eager to be done living with my best friends, and be in the "real world". But as they say... READY OR NOT...HERE I COME! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Days Like This.

Days like this, I can't help but laugh at myself. Ever have those days when you KNOW you're in a bad mood, and you just don't care? Yup. That was today. I generally find myself in a good mood through bad circumstances, but today I didn't care that I was grouchy. My friend and I got pulled over this morning on the way back to school, my sweats were beyond soaked from the rain (my biggest pet peeve is wet pants) I had no other clothes to change into, I was stuck in my room alone for about 4 hours with nothing but my computer and wet sweats, I didn't eat or drink anything until 4:00 pm, and I literally lost half of my fingernail. (Yum, I know.) 

I told my roommate a few weeks ago that I thought it would be fun to start blogging, but with school I was too busy. She recommended that I wait until the end of the semester, and since this was my last day at Bethel, I decided to give it a go! That and the fact that I was stuck in my room waiting for my family to come help me move out, and I had nothing else to do.  

Now if you're wondering what turned my frown upside down, I'd have to give credit to blogspot. My first blogging dilemma was of course finding a name! I evidently jumped on the blog wagon too late, and missed all the good names. I tried everything from "This Life I Live" to "Que Sera, Sera to "My Fricking Blog" to "Oh The Tangled Webs We Weave" Yup. ALL TAKEN. Which made me think--Lisa, you're a funny person! Have a funny name! So I started getting creative--or so I thought. The name "Baa Baa Blog Sheep" was in fact taken, so I resorted to extending my "Baaa's" --maybe my sheep was hungry, or lonely, or maybe someone else just had "Baa" taken for their Blog URL, either way, here I am! As I found myself literally laughing out loud at some of the names I tried, and laughing even more because someone else had used that name, I had to stop and realize that whatever was bringing me down today, wasn't worth it, and that I have no right to be in a bad mood. This blog sheep should be celebrating after officially moving home from school after 4 years of college. Graduation is just around the corner (Sunday to be exact!!) And I have SO much to be thankful for!! So next time you're having a "day like this" stop and laugh at yourself, because nothing should keep you from smiling. Life's too short to sweat the small stuff :)