Thursday, May 26, 2011

The NEW Job!

Ohhh as I'm sure you all know..if you're my friend on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter..I have a new, very exciting job. Say hello to Northern Indiana's newest Semen Courier! Ha yes..I currently spend my days picking up and delivering horse semen at various locations around Elkhart and Lagrange County...then each day I make my way down to Grabill, Indiana where I meet up with a nice 70-something year old lady...we swap semen, and carry on our way. The whole deal is driving around 200 miles a day or more... and I do it 4 days a week. (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.) The nice thing is that I only have to drive the route until the first of July. (Just in time for my trip to the great state of TEXAS) :)

I must say though, I love to see the faces of people when they ask what I'm doing now that I Graduated...

Meanwhile... I'm still working on the farm and organizing. (Ohh and currently getting ready for our garage sale. BOO.)

BUT! On another note...I did have a few rather exciting things happen in my life recently!

1. My parents got a new recliner for the living no more fighting with dad over who gets his chair :)
2. My boy Huddy turned 2 on Sunday! :) I can't believe how big he is!! & only 8 more weeks till we have another little buddy!! :)
3. Got to see ADELE in concert with my girl Lauren Brown on Monday...which was... uhhh AWESOME.
4. Getting bit by a spider Tuesday was also pretty exciting...especially since you can still see the holes in my knee.
5. Jessica Herschberger was ever so kind as to ride along with me for hours on my Semen route Wednesday.
6. I got to see my bestest friend Rico Suave Wednesday night! :) :) Oh how I missed my Stichter family!
7. car headlights are getting fixed...and since I've been driving around with my brights on since last summer--this is a big praise :)
8. AND! This just of November 1st...I will be $50 richer thanks to Tyler Brown and our bet. :)

That's all for now! I'm off to price my belongings.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Back On The Grind

After an awesome extended weekend visiting my HU clan, celebrating my graduation with family and friends, and a great Mother’s day, it was back to work.

Talk about being sore. This week I’ve done more manual labor than I have in years. 

Monday I spent the day mowing with my sweet 52 inch deck AMISH push mower. Yes it is self-propelled, but don’t be fooled, it’s still tough to maneuver.
 I can’t help but laugh as the Amish men go by and wave at me while I use a mower only they would use. The worst part is that when they wave, I let go of the mower to wave back which causes it to swerve…and just makes me look like a bad driver. My Monday excitement didn’t end there, however. I spent my evening digging up weeds all along our house for hours.

Tuesday I babysat Hudson for a few hours, and we took a trip to the Flea Market to see Amy @ Miss Chic (LOVE her stuff!!!) I headed home to take over for my dad in the field. I missed helping in the fields/working outside in the summer ever so much.

 Everything was fine and dandy till I hit Mr. Skunky pants (fortunately, I love the smell of Skunk.) I looked down to my right to see one torn up little sucker. As I tried to avoid hitting him again, I of course swerved—and missed a rather large part of rye. (I’m sensing a pattern in my driving and swerving skills lately.) The best part is that when I got home, which was a decent distance from the field, my mom walked outside and said “do you smell skunk?” OOPS! Haa!

Wednesday was my mama’s 60th! Happy Birthday Judy Kay!! I helped my sister with Hudson/babysit for a boy from church all day, and we once again headed to the Flea Market J My wallet won’t be able to afford me babysitting anymore—my sister lives waaay too close to the Flea Market. I started planting Hostas after 9 pm, and kept planting until I no longer could see the ground in front of me.

Thursday I got up at 6 am—realized how dark it was and that I couldn’t work in my garden, and went back to bed until 6:45. I realized how much work you can get done in a day if you get up before 10! AMAZING!

After 3 hours of working in the dirt, I finally headed in go to my next job. ORGANIZING! Yes, I really do have a job where I clean/organize. How lucky can I GET! J I actually really do love it, and we always have fun.

Today (Friday) was completely exhausting. I helped my dad with random jobs today--everything from climbing inside the giant milk bulk tank to get a hose nozel out for the milkman (which was very difficult to get out of) to drawing up shots for 80 head of cattle (and giving myself a shot in the process.) Of course you can't forget mowing again with my sweet Amo mower, which I'm actually starting to grow quite accustomed to! 

It was a long--busy, but productive week. But now it's the weekend! :) AMEN! 

Ta Ta for now! 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Life After Graduation

As we all know (or don't) I graduated on Sunday. It's officially SUMMER VACATION! ...well sorta.
A. The weather has not been up to par.
B. Technically, I don't think I'm supposed to have a summer vacation, but I'm giving myself one anyway...and
C. I don't have any of my summer girls living close to me!
(Yes, I realize I have other friends--but all my close friends are at least 35 mins away or more.)
So ERICA STICHER, JESSICA HERSCHBERGER, & SAM SANFORD... Thanks for ruining my life!!!! Okay kidding. I'll be fine. (I hope) But on a side note--my dad DID inform me that he and my mom are "worried" about me because I don't have any close friends living near by. (Obviously they know that I need my friends to stay sane.)

Which brings me to my next point. 2 days after hit me.


Tuesday night ... we went to Hilltop Restaurant. Afterwards, we got home, and I thought "hmm it's really nice out..I should go play with the horses or something!" (BAD IDEA)

P.S. My definition of "playing" consists of brushing them.

So I go get Bill--my dad's horse because I thought it'd be nice to get all his nasty winter hair of of him and make him look all pretty. Bill and I trot in to the tying post, and I start brushing away. It's not long before Bill is pawing at the ground, turning circles so fast, trying to pull back and rip the post out of the ground, and breathing out of his nose so much I thought he was trying out for Running of the Bulls. I finally untie him, and decide to put him away when my dad comes out to help. I take him back to the field, and literally all the horses are going nuts. They looked like wild stallions running, bucking, and kicking around the field. (It was actually quite beautiful, but there goes my fun idea of "playing" with the horses.)

So I moved onto the pigs!
We have 3 little piggies that aren't so little anymore, that I insisted we get! Yeah, well they're not the friendliest little guys, which kinda takes the fun out of having them. (I'm working with them!) So I get in the pen with them. (All I wanted to do was pet them!!) Well, they were gonna have none of that, and they attempted to bite me as they "barked" at me. I'm pretty sure at this point I said something out loud like: "Fine! If you don't wanna play, I'll just leave!"

Which brought me to the goat.
Buckwheat is our only goat--and he's a fainter goat. He doesn't actually faint like he's supposed to. I think his "fainter" is broken. :) Haa! So I decide HE could use a good brush down. I sprint to the shed to get my curry comb, and I head back. Well, Buckwheat is fine to pet, but evidently he doesn't like to be groomed. He proceeded to stand on his back two legs, attempting to charge me with his rather large horns. I was having none of it, and I left.

Then there was Duke. (Or Scooter...yes my dog does have 2 names)
Duke came running to me when I got in the office and I thought.."FINALLY! Someone likes me!!"
Nope. He turned around and ran back to his chair. I called for him, he didn't care, so I went back in the house.

It didn't dawn on me until after the fact, that I just attempted to HANG OUT with animals, and they all rejected me. (Next time I'm gonna try the cows.) So as you can see...I need my friends to stay sane.

....and now I know why my parents are worried about me.