Friday, May 13, 2011

Back On The Grind

After an awesome extended weekend visiting my HU clan, celebrating my graduation with family and friends, and a great Mother’s day, it was back to work.

Talk about being sore. This week I’ve done more manual labor than I have in years. 

Monday I spent the day mowing with my sweet 52 inch deck AMISH push mower. Yes it is self-propelled, but don’t be fooled, it’s still tough to maneuver.
 I can’t help but laugh as the Amish men go by and wave at me while I use a mower only they would use. The worst part is that when they wave, I let go of the mower to wave back which causes it to swerve…and just makes me look like a bad driver. My Monday excitement didn’t end there, however. I spent my evening digging up weeds all along our house for hours.

Tuesday I babysat Hudson for a few hours, and we took a trip to the Flea Market to see Amy @ Miss Chic (LOVE her stuff!!!) I headed home to take over for my dad in the field. I missed helping in the fields/working outside in the summer ever so much.

 Everything was fine and dandy till I hit Mr. Skunky pants (fortunately, I love the smell of Skunk.) I looked down to my right to see one torn up little sucker. As I tried to avoid hitting him again, I of course swerved—and missed a rather large part of rye. (I’m sensing a pattern in my driving and swerving skills lately.) The best part is that when I got home, which was a decent distance from the field, my mom walked outside and said “do you smell skunk?” OOPS! Haa!

Wednesday was my mama’s 60th! Happy Birthday Judy Kay!! I helped my sister with Hudson/babysit for a boy from church all day, and we once again headed to the Flea Market J My wallet won’t be able to afford me babysitting anymore—my sister lives waaay too close to the Flea Market. I started planting Hostas after 9 pm, and kept planting until I no longer could see the ground in front of me.

Thursday I got up at 6 am—realized how dark it was and that I couldn’t work in my garden, and went back to bed until 6:45. I realized how much work you can get done in a day if you get up before 10! AMAZING!

After 3 hours of working in the dirt, I finally headed in go to my next job. ORGANIZING! Yes, I really do have a job where I clean/organize. How lucky can I GET! J I actually really do love it, and we always have fun.

Today (Friday) was completely exhausting. I helped my dad with random jobs today--everything from climbing inside the giant milk bulk tank to get a hose nozel out for the milkman (which was very difficult to get out of) to drawing up shots for 80 head of cattle (and giving myself a shot in the process.) Of course you can't forget mowing again with my sweet Amo mower, which I'm actually starting to grow quite accustomed to! 

It was a long--busy, but productive week. But now it's the weekend! :) AMEN! 

Ta Ta for now! 

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