Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Well, There Goes JUNE!

Well, I'm a horrible blogger. OH WELL! I never get around to actually writing, but here I am :)

These past few weeks have been busy, and it's only going to get worse! (which can be better) :)

Most of this is old news...but whatevs :) We can pretend it just happened!

1. We either have to get rid of Lenny (our llama) ..or castrate him. Yeah. Not cool. Not so little Lenny has a love of mounting people (generally me) when they're out in the field. Well long story short...and little girl came over, and was out in the field with Lenny, when he decided to take action...mounting her and knocking her down. He then proceeded to stomp on her. NOT COOL, LENNY! NOT COOL. a result..Lenny is either losing his home...or losing his YOU KNOW WHAT!

2. MY SEMEN ROUTE ENDED!!! (Sorry, it may appear as though I'm yelling at you...I'm actually just really excited) :) Although it was easy work, I won't miss driving 4-5 hours a day, and putting a ton of miles on my car!  In conclusion to this special job that I had, I calculated that I drove over 4,129 miles, spent around 100 hours driving, and delivered well over $600,000 worth of horse semen! Betcha can't say you've done the same! :) I must say though, I have enjoyed the reactions I get from people when they ask me what I'm doing this summer! It's a great conversation starter! :)

3. Sooo...before the semen duties came to a close, I had an accident incident. I'm driving along, approaching Leo... probably going around 50 ish, when low and behold..a tree FALLS OVER in the road. RIGHT in front of me. I slammed on my breaks, and swerved, but still hit some of the tree (mostly branches). The cop said I did a great job, because if I would have stayed in my lane, I would have hit the whole trunk of the tree. (GO ME!) The cop ALSO got a good laugh when he found out that I was driving to go pick up horse semen.  This was right after he asked me how old I he proceeded to say "I couldn't tell if you were 17 or 25" Sweet...thanks. But have no fear! My car was just scratched, and one of my front lights was popped out! (Ernie is all fixed up now, and looking better than ever.)

4. Went biking with my parents on Sunday afternoon. I thought it was a good idea to bust out the tandem, since we just got it fixed! also just got his bike fixed, so he was eager to try his out! Soooo..I ended up riding with my mom. Guess who did all the pedaling? Yup. Me. Guess who's never riding with Judy again? Yup. Me. The ride was bad enough already, because the guy that "fixed" the bike, put 2 different sized tires on in, resulting in a constant wobble while riding. Then we had the "backseat" driver who would yell at me every time I took a hand off the handlebars. Needless to say, it was a very entertaining ride, and a great day for family bonding :)

Other fun facts:

--June 24th my Grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, and on the same day, my sister and brother-in-law celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary!

*Lake, Lake & Lake--2nd-4th
*Cedar Point--11th
*Boys & Girls Club (amazing race/farm tour)--12th
*Warsaw for Andrew && Johanna's wedding festivities--14th-17th
*Laura's due date--21st
*Laura's & Ryan's B-days--22nd, 24th

YAY! So many exciting things happening in the month of if you wonder what I'm doing (which I'm sure you won't be)..there you have it! :)

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!



  1. Lisa, I love how genuine you are! That's what I like about you!
    You are very good at telling a story that's serious or potentially serious and adding a light note of humor to it(I think that's a gift!). Like in the case of the Llama for example. haha..Either way sounds like he has a sad day ahead of him. Was the girl o.k?
    I can't believe that tree fell right in front of you (Crazy!). I'm glad you made it through that experience safely. Enjoy the month of July! =D

  2. Tina! You are too sweet :) You're always so positive and encouraging! Thanks for all the nice comments!! :)

    Fortunately the girl was okay...just really shook up, and she did have some bruising on her chest. We're very fortunate it didn't turn out worse than what it did!

    I hope you have a great July! Maybe in August we can all meet up again sometime! I'd love to see you and your mom again!
