Thursday, June 9, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend. (I know...I'm a little late.)

Well for not wanting to have a legitimate job this summer, I sure am staying busy!

Memorial Day weekend...we had a garage sale. These are always my favorite, because I love seeing what people buy (of my junk, and treasures.) I think that my favorite of the weekend was the "bless her heart" lady that stopped by on the last day. She saw a tin in our "free" pile that she just HAD to have. 1st of was a popcorn tin..nothing to be too excited about, but ohhh she was just so excited! I asked if she'd like me to hold it at the table for her while she shopped around, and she agreed. She came across an old watch of mine that was marked 50 cents. She asked if I would take 25 cents for it..(which I think is the dumbest thing, because it's already cheap as it is...but WHATEVER! HA!) Anyway, I agreed, and then she informed me that she would have to bike home to get a quarter. Well trust stupid pink watch was NOT worth biking I gave it to her. Meanwhile, she forgot her tin was sitting by the table, and she left. I felt horrible...because I knew how much she wanted her tin! (You had to be there to understand.) We were packing up, because it was the end of the day...and we debated what to do with it. We figured there was no way that she would bike back in the heat for a free popcorn tin. (Then again, she was willing to bike home for a quarter...) Nevertheless, we loaded up our stuff remaining from the garage sale...and donated it to the Depot. Low and behold.....who do you think comes knocking at my sisters door the next afternoon? Yup. You guessed it. She wondered if we still had her tin. It still breaks my heart knowing that she didn't get it. However, she wanted to make sure we "didn't lose any sleep over it..." and I assure you...we didn't. :)

Also, over the same weekend, we lost  about 1/2 of our barn roof in the storm! Fortunately no one was hurt--as one of our Amish workers was in the barn when it happened. He took cover under the tractor, and most likely had brown shorts after it was all said and done. I spent my Sunday night helping clean up, and patching up the silage bags...but the roof is now fixed! Thanks to the great help we had from neighbors and other workers.

I know I'm a little behind on posting, especially since this all happened about 2 weeks ago...but delivering semen has just really kept me busy! That, and laying by the pool. :)

Happy early weekend to all, and to all a good night!

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